Imagine that you were working with a chiropractor, acupuncturist, naturopath, nutritionist and a homeopath for your health problems. Even better, imagine you had your healthcare team in one room and they were all working on your case together and they understood what each other did! Would you not feel like you were in good hands and getting the best of all of the natural healthcare fields?
If this sounds appealing to you then you need be under the care of an Applied Kinesiologist. Applied Kinesiology (“AK”) is a diagnostic technique based on Chinese Medicine in which every muscle in the body is related to an organ, gland or acupuncture meridian. Through testing specific muscles, the doctor can locate structural, biochemical and emotional dysfunction in the body and identify the proper method of correction. AK incorporates modalities such as Sacro-Occipital Technique, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Acupuncture Meridian Therapies, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, and Clinical Nutrition, to name a few.
As mentioned above, the three basic factors responsible for optimum health are structure, biochemistry and emotions. These factors comprise an equilateral triangle called “the triad of health”. If one side of the triangle becomes deficient, poor health is the result.

Zack Allen utilizes Applied Kinesiology techniques to evaluate body function. Only by carefully observing all sides of this equilateral triangle can the total person be treated.
1.Structure: The structural aspect of health makes up the base of the triangle. In the world of modern medicine, everyone is trying to use the chemical side (pharmaceutical drugs) and the emotional side to get people well. These aspects are important as well, but the structural elements of the body need to function optimally in order to achieve balance.
It is obvious that someone may need structural corrections if they hurt their back or develop an ankle or knee injury. But structural treatment is important in another sense. Structural imbalances in the spine, extremities and skull can lead to biochemical dysfunction. Conditions like indigestion, hypertension, allergies, anemia and hormonal imbalances can be attributed to structural imbalances.
Structural integrity is also important for emotional well being. Structural imbalances can cause nervous system dysfunction which may lead to irritability, attention deficit disorder, depression, learning disabilities, increased stress, and many other disorders all the way up to schizophrenia.
2.Chemical: modern medicine utilizes the idea that biochemical dysfunction is the cause of disease in the body. Although we usually do not have an aspirin, Prozac or Viagra deficiency, pharmaceutical drugs are needed at times. The conservative approach to correct dysfunction in the body is by eating right. This alone is not always the answer because we must digest, absorb and utilize the food we eat. We must make sure that all of our digestive functions are performing properly so that we may benefit from a proper diet. Sometimes supplements of specific vitamins and minerals are required because of soil depletion, processed foods, and years of neglect we impose on our bodies.
Prolonged stress can cause imbalances in the body’s inflammation process, digestion, immune function and hormonal regulation. These are biochemical irregularities that most Americans with heath challenges suffer from.
Another aspect of biochemistry causing health challenges is toxicity, poising and infections. Through a proper medical history of the patient, blood test interpretation, functional testing and using applied kinesiology as a diagnostic tool, the doctor can target each individual’s weakest link in order to correct their biochemical dysfunction.
3.Mental: There is no doubt that society as a whole has emotional challenges. We see this in individuals and in groups of people. Recent scientific evidence shows that emotional dysfunction can be the result of physiologic (biochemical) dysfunction. Blood sugar imbalances, allergies and toxicity can result in conditions like depression, hyperkinesis and anxiety.
Structural imbalances can also cause nervous system dysfunction, which may result in confusion, learning disabilities, irritability and even schizophrenia.
The total concept of health: The sides of the equilateral triangle are in balance with each other. When there is a constant structural problem, it may influence the person’s emotions. Emotions affect the digestive system, which interferes with the normal digestion of food a person eats; because of this, the chemical side of the triangle becomes involved and a nutritional deficiency may develop. Muscle weakness may result, which then increases the structural strain, again completing the vicious circle.